Kick Babies

Participatory Installation


March 2016


This piece invited audience to experience the psychological journey of a “violence behavior” by asking them to kick or do whatever they want to a set of life-size plastic baby dolls on floor. It also made the audience experience the relations between violence, psychological hints, and instructions, whether the audience decided to take action or not. The audience also becomes the “performers” of the work since all reactions were recorded. It discussed “violence behavior” in a way that was interactive and express less subjective opinions from me the artist. The thoughts and inspirations of the audience could be varied depends on individuals.

“踢婴”是一个参与型装置作品。将形态写实的4个婴儿娃娃放置在半封闭空间地面上,通过信息牌指示参与者踢踩这些娃娃。如果展览空间参观者过多,需要适当控制同时进入的人数。 作品意在探讨 以下两点: 1. 指示、认知和暴力行为之间的关系。参与者通过作品亲自体会从收到指示、做出判断、选择、产生类似暴力的行为、行为过程中和行为过后的心理变化过程。 2. 塑料娃娃形态与真人相近,使人产生投射心里,作品探讨人类产生同理心的边界的个体差异。