Mirror Mirror

Participatory Installation



A full-length dressing mirror with a question printed on, “What is beauty?” The curving lines and layers of the mirror was inspired by stereotyped images of a woman figure. This piece addressed the rethink of the definition of beauty, especially in the context of today.

This installation was exhibited in Chengdu Women's Month’s special exhibition “Us Here Now.”

这件作品中心是一面特制全身镜外围形 态灵感来自既定印象中女性身体的线条,并内置灯条。 随着“她经济“的兴起,这部分消费文化似 乎在构建女性主体地位上开始起积极作 用。但我们也许该思考一下,这些意识形 态中有多少是经过包装的消费主义?又 有多少可以帮助女性摆脱千百年来男性 视角的桎梏?让女性不再是被审视的“客 体”,真正在对自身的审美上拿回主导 权。如果把对女性“美”的判断交还给女性 ,那么,什么是美?

这件作品在2021年成都女性月的展览“Us Here Now”上展出。